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Rob Ashton23 May 2023 - 17:48
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The newly proposed South England Cup has been cancelled for 2023 amid issues with new league entrants.

A newly proposed Midlands Super League has hit snagging problems which has had a knock on affect to the rest of the Wome's game in the south.

The RFL had planned to launch a new Women's Super League Midlands which would have increased the number of teams competing south of the M62 and opened up an opportunity for the introduction of a cross league knock out competition with Women's Super League South.

The Tigers were due to play Leamington Royals in the inaugural game of the competition but the Royals have withdrawn along with other Midlands sides due to not being ready.

The Cup will be put on ice for a year and revisited in 2024.

This is a real shame for the Tigresses who were looking forward to an increased playing opportunity and second chance of success.

The Tigers' Women will still compete at both Women's Super League South and East RL levels in 2023 as we look to field two sides for the first time!

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